My Life on (and off) the Guest List

SoBe Lifewater Summer Fridays

From now on, my Fridays belong to SoBe Lifewater. I will be completely under their spell from 1pm – 8pm until August.

Zia* and I arrived at the event (after first running to Times Square to hopefully catch the SoBe guy – we didn’t) to find the event, held at The Steve Weiss Studios, in semi-full swing (not too many people have Summer hours).

The Broadway play, Passing Strange, which is being adapted into a movie directed by Spike Lee was featuring on one wall, while another wall featured EA Sports’s Championship Tennis, which was always busy. We walked around and checked out the luxury cars made available for the drive-in movie feel

SoBe Event Main Level

SoBe Girls were walking around with bottles of SoBe Lifewater and SoBe Fans (which were perfect for this humid day)

While the Bar served some amazing SoBe drinks, while Zia* opted for the Diddy (SoBe Agave Lemonade, Ciroc Vodka, fresh Squeezed Pink Lemonade and a lemon wedge), I indulged in the SoBe Brazilian Punch (can’t exactly remember what was in it – I know it had the SoBe Acai Fruit Punch – and it was DAMN good, so good I believe I had five or six – which explains the slight memory loss…anyway..). We went up to the gorgeous Garden Terrace with the amazing view to partake in the manis, pedis and massages being offered. Zia* was lucky enough to get a spa robe (I was not)

but I did get more hand fans (which if you’ve ever seen me know I always carry one)

SoBe Event Upper level

Along with the indulgences mentioned above, there were three Macs set up to log on to the SoBe Facebook Page, update about your enjoyment at the event and check your email. I also got some hilarious shots of the SoBe Lizard being a supermodel

After getting our massages and Manis, Zia* and I ventured back downstairs which had become quite packed and enjoyed some more SoBe cocktails, sinfully delicious hors d’oeuvres and danced to the very gorgeous DJ Ruckus

Speaking of dancing, we were entertained by the SoBe Lizard with some impressive moves

SoBe lizard Dancing – video 1

SoBe lizard Dancing – video 2

Hope to see you next SoBe Event

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