My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Win Tim Gunn’s “Gunn’s Golden Rules: Life’s Little Lessons for Making It Work”

In honor of Tim Gunn’s fabulousness and the release of his book, “Gunn’s Golden Rules: Life’s Little Lessons for Making It Work”, the Lifetime Network is giving away 18 signed copies, one for each of Tim Gunn’s essential “Make it work!” moments we must all follow!

The book offers 18 tried-and-true principles to “make it work” for your career, relationships, and life ingeneral. Tim also gives you the dirt or as the “gurls” say, the TEE, on fashion’s greatest divas (I’m surprised the book’s not thicker), behind-the-scenes glimpses of Runway’s biggest drama queens (backstabbings anyone?), and never-before-revealed insights into Tim’s private life. Tim applauds hard work, creativity, and skill and frowns upon bad behavior (as was very evident in a recently aired episode of Project Runway – I don’t like Gretchen either). But enough of me giving out secrets – this is your chance to find out all the delish dish by winning an autographed copy for yourself.

All you have to do is leave a comment here stating your favorite Tim Gunn moment to be eligible to win! There are soo many to choose from.

QUICK TIDBIT – Did you know Tim Gunn is the son of the ghostwriter for J. Edgar Hoover? Amazing!!

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