My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Ernesto Neto at the Park Avenue Armory

David, Kim and I had the pleasure of getting an invitation to the Ernesto Neto Art Installation, anthropodino, the first independent art commission at the Armory (the exhibit runs from May 14 – June 14, 2009 and is located in the Drill Hall). Gratefully after we were checked off the list, I noticed there was information on Ernesto Neto and the exhibit, so I took photos (boy does that save me a ton of writing)

When we walked into Drill Hall, I immediately thought of the movie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The top of the main installation looked just like a giant squid and the size, oh my god, so enormous. Imagine the amount of time and work that went into making this.

I found out that the Mr. Neto hand sown a lot of it himself (I believe the NY Times has a photo of him sitting on the floor sewing). To make things easier (on myself)I took video of the exhibit the entire time I was there. It was so huge and so beautiful

As you can see, I stopped at the (for lack of a better word) romper room. The entire installation was interactive, we were encouraged to touch and especially smell the exhibit as it was filled with the spices listed in the first set of photos. All those tentacles you see hanging are filled with those various spices. We all entered the enclosed room (shoes off of course) and were immediately encased in aromatherapy heaven (we were not the only ones)

Along with the hanging spices, there were also pouches on the padded floor of this cozy room filled with Lavender, rocks, and other spices which you could lay on or hit your friends with (as we did). Soon after we left the room and headed to the Leblon sponsored bar where they were making one of the most awesome drinks – Caipirinhas, we found seats and savored the cocktails.

Then off we went again to check out the other side of the exhibit where we found a bright long handmade rug on which people could walk (again, without shoes of course), which ended with a rug covered bench so Kim jumped at the chance to do so (I got video of her)

Next to the rug was a gigantic bean bag; you could either sit on the inside or the outside

We walked around a bit more in the hopes that I would get the chance to meet and speak with Ernesto Neto. After almost giving up (because seriously, the Armory is so huge), a woman who checked us in came to my rescue and found him for me.

The best part is I was also lucky enough to get an interview with him, click HERE to listen

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