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Diptyque Madison Avenue Boutique Opening

One of my favorite home fragrance brands (and the reason I truly fell in love with scented candles), Diptyque, expanded their company with a very chic addition – a brand new Madison Avenue Boutique (located at 971 Madison Ave, btwn. 75th & 76th sts)

I already have a small collection of various Diptyque candles, body washes and home fragrances but whenever I’m around any Diptyque products, I just cannot help myself. To date, I still have packaged and sealed candles and home fragrances left (I love body washes, so those are always the first to go). Anyway, I was so very happy to receive the invitation and counted the days until I’d be surrounded by my favorite scents, they are Oranger and Pomander – both Cinnamon and Citrus (respectively) based spicy scents that always makes my home smell inviting and homey. They are especially great during the holidays. Another great Cinnamon based scent is Cannelle, which I have recommended, along with Pomander as a gift (with great results of course)

Anyway, back to the opening. I walked in into the brightly illuminated boutique to the wonderful scents Diptyque has to offer (one thing that is especially wonderful about Diptyque is that the scents don’t compete with each other so they’re not overpowering and won’t give you a headaches – they actually compliment one another)

As usual, I was incredibly tempted to make a purchase, even though as stated above, I have Diptyque products I haven’t even used yet. And of course that didn’t stop me as I was introduced to another scent I never paid attention to but which has now been added to my list of favorites. That fragrance is called L’eau.

I couldn’t decide between the body wash or the soap trio. Again, I love body washes but I know the three soaps would last longer than the body wash. I went back and forth between the two while enjoying the wonderful champagne and delicious chocolate the event had to order.

I employ you all to visit the new Diptyque Boutique, the layout and displays invite you to touch, play with, smell and experience all the scents Diptyque has to offer

I was also introduced to a new Diptyque scent – Lait Frais, especially it’s Fresh Lotion For The Body. “This fluid yet generous lotion combines the moisturizing properties of orange blossom water with the essential fatty acids of organic sweet almond oil and the nourishing virtues of macadamia nut. It leaves the skin deliciously soft, soothed and supple.”

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