My Life on (and off) the Guest List


Over a thousand women (and a few men) flocked to Bryant Park to get a free pair of Levi’s Jeans new Curve ID Jeans at their “Wear What Fits” event. Many people were turned away as Levi’s Jeans reached their 1000 person mark at 10:20am (they officially started measuring women at 10am).

Someone I know got there at 5:30am (unfortunately I couldn’t get there early and missed out) and she was the 6th person in line (makes you wonder what time the first person got there). This was a great event as Levi’s asked that everyone bring something to donate or as they put it “bring something that doesn’t fit into your life anymore – it can be an old handbag or jeans, an ex-boyfriend’s T-shirt, an antique lamp – really anything that no longer fits into your life”. By donating the item that doesn’t fit and you’ll get something that does – a free new pair of custom fit Levi’s® Curve ID Jeans. Women were measured with Levi’s new measuring method to determine, not their size but the degree of their body curve:

Slight Curve – designed to celebrate straight figures Slight Curve is designed to define a woman’s waist, while accentuating her curves. If jeans usually fit in the hips and thighs but are too tight in the waist, a woman should try the Slight Curve.

Demi Curve – designed to fit even proportions Demi Curve is designed to flatter a woman’s waist, while smoothing her shape. If jeans usually fit in the waist, but don’t flatter the figure, a woman should try the Demi Curve.

Bold Curve – designed to honor genuine curves Bold Curve is designed to hug the waist, without gapping or pulling. If jeans usually fit in the hips and thighs, but gap in the back, a woman should try the Bold Curve.

A new addition called the Supreme Curve will be added soon

Housed under pristine white tents with the Levi’s logo and the phrase “Jeans for Us”, attendees also received free food, on the spot t-shirts screen-printed, fashion tips and answer style questions by Fashion expert and Today Show correspondent Bobbie Thomas

and an exclusive performance by 2010 Grammy nominee Janelle Monáe ( as usual in her signature black and white)

 and of course to top off the day after receiving their perfect pair of jeans, attendees were treated to a photo shoot to flaunt (and most likely post on Facebook)

So 1000 very lucky ladies are now walking around with the right jeans for their bodies – isn’t it about time you find your Curve ID and your perfect jeans? Walk into any Levi’s Store and get properly measured and find the jeans you’ll be living in. Check out more photos from the event below:

First six photos by Phillip Angert
Tent Photos (last four) by Glasgow Skinner

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