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Back to Beauty Basics with Celebrity Makeup Artist Sam Fine

What do you do on a rainy Thursday night in NYC? Why not spend that time learning how to get back to beauty basics with the amazing Sam Fine, celebrity makeup artist whose clients include Jennifer Hudson, Tyra Banks, Iman, Patty Labelle, just to name a few. On this rainy evening, several Bloggers gathered with Mr. Fine at the now impressive Duane Reade in Herald Square to discuss his favorite beauty products.

I had a chance to do a quick interview with Sam about what his favorite basic beauty products are (it pays to get there early)

As more Bloggers joined the festivities, Sam further discussed his must have beauty products and took us on a tour of Duane Reade’s New Look Beauty Department while sharing secrets and bestowing wisdom such as

1. “keep Bronzer on the outer perimeter of your face for a more natural look otherwise you will just look burnt”

2. “if you love one product in a brand, you don’t have to use every product from that brand…not everything from that one brand will work for you”
3.”the same way you shouldn’t go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, do not go beauty shopping without focus or a specific list”
4. add gloss over lipstick for dimension and shine

He also showed us some key products that are a must in our makeup bag


 as well as answered our numerous questions about products, application and beauty rules (note: Sam Fine DOES NOT like beauty rules)

So basically ladies, try and try and try beauty products, return what doesn’t work (don’t be afraid to return products) and keep what does – you may be surprised by what products you fall in love with.

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Glasgow November 8, 2010 at 3:48 pm

He's also quite funny, lol. he does make you feel like you've known him forever

Reply November 8, 2010 at 3:43 pm

Great post. I love Sam. He's so sweet, honest, and he makes himself available to his "fans."


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