My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Votre Vu’s Snap Dragon Bar at the Grammy Gifting Lounge

It turns out my several degrees of separation form celebrities have now been vastly diminished. Votre Vu, who makes some of my favorite skincare products, had a bar at the Grammy Gifting Lounge where they served up their very yummy and healthy (as well as my favorite) beauty drink, Snap Dragon, a delicious private blend of powerful anti aging super-fruits and botanicals features Mango, Pomegranate and Acai Berry juices. Snapdragon may help repair, restore and re-balance your body’s internal systems, naturally giving your skin a radiant, beautiful glow. It may boost your overall vitality when added to your daily beauty regimen for optimal health, inside and out.

Several celebrities visited the lounge including Esperanza Spalding, who won for Best New Artist, who stated that Votre Vu‘s Snap Dragon was “Really good! Not too sweet – I don’t like over-sweet drinks”

NCIS’s Actress Pauley Perrette, who plays the adorable Abby Sciuto also raved about Snap Dragon: “I’m a juice fanatic. That is awesome!”

Yes, I’m counting our mutual love of Votre Vu‘s Snap Dragon as a degree of separation. If you get to try some of Votre Vu’s Snap Dragon, you will be counting yourself as one of it’s fans too.

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Glasgow February 17, 2011 at 5:05 pm

SIP? I'm not familiar with that word when it comes to SnapDragon lol.

Heather you are so right, it makes a great cocktail. I like with wine too, makes a great Bellini

Heather Wolgamott February 17, 2011 at 4:42 pm

More and more people are bonding over SnapDragon. Love it straight up for a daily pick me up and as an occasional cocktail mixed with vodka and club soda and a twist of lime!

windycityglow February 17, 2011 at 4:37 pm

LOL is right! Ok – here's my confession. I always start out with the intention to sip it and before I know it I've chugged my glass.

Glasgow February 17, 2011 at 7:15 am

I'm addicted to it. The rule of one glass doesn't work for me. I'm more apt for one bottle a day lol

windycityglow February 15, 2011 at 3:05 pm

Six degrees of separation is so true! And thanks for sharing SnapDragon with your readers. I drink a glass daily – the midday pickmeup without the caffeine crash is perfect for me. Glad to meet a fellow fan.


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