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Cultivate your Curves w/ Hourglass Angel’s Amia Waist Cincher

At one point in time, we were known to have a tiny waist and flat stomach. Sadly those days are long gone mainly because we don’t work out as we used to; while we still possess our shapely hourglass figure, everything has become…..larger. Our once size 6 body is now closer to a size 10, and while we do enjoy the fuller curves and being uber Coke Bottle Beauties, we do miss our flat stomach. With the rise of waist training, we decided we had to try this trend to help us get back to a smaller midsection. With the help of an Amia Shapewear from “everyday midsection shaper” (we believe this style is called a Faja), generously provided by the company, we are on our way back down to our smaller size waist.  We must note that we’re not looking for extreme results, because as we said, we already have an hourglass figure, we just want to control our tummy bulge. The Amia Classic Cincher Waist Trainer we received, also known as Cincher A102, “boasts power latex and flexi-boning for firm compression, with flexibility and comfort Hook-and-eye closures for a precision fit, and versatile strapless design.”

Our main issue is the above stated pudginess of our lower abdomen, plus the annoying back fat, both of which we’re dying to get rid of. Although we made a slight mistake in size (we requested the size large, when we should have gone for a medium), we’ve were pleased with the initial results. We must say, the first time we tried to get the Cincher on, it was a bit of a struggle. As they usually do sometimes, our ample bosom got in the way; we had to lay down to get all those eye-hooks to meet their partners, but we certainly did appreciate the extra calories burned. After all eye-hooks were closed, we found the Amia Cincher to be quite comfortable. We had no issues sitting up, or bending, and we could breathe normally, without any stress or feeling overly constricted. We actually prefer this Faja to a traditional corset because of its latex and flexible boning. It is hard to believe that this bloated tummy of ours will be reduced, but we are on our way to great results.

We were not sure how many hours women could comfortably wear a cincher a day (it is advised that we begin with 2-3 hours per day, with increasing numbers), but since we had a larger size, we decided to begin with higher numbers. We also contemplated whether we should sleep in our cincher or not (some days we did, others we didn’t……depending on how we felt). The only issue we’re having so far is length, we wish the Cincher was a bit shorter, because sometimes the edges roll a bit when we sit down……but that’s only because we have a short waist.

Fair warning ladies, sleeping in the waist cincher for the first time will take some getting used to (kudos to all woman who did this during the Victoria era, and whoever does it now). We had to find our comfort zone to get a solid night of sleep, but thankfully we eventually did (our sweet spot was sleeping on our back or side with the upper part of our body elevated). We also found out that if you’re not careful, sleeping the wrong way can cause bloating, so we advise that you test a few positions to find your ideal sleeping position.

Our verdict so far? We think the Amia Waist Cincher does an amazing job of increasing insulation for ultimate body heat activity and perspiration (no one knew when we were wearing it so there was no fear of embarrassing perspiration marks), our food intake decreased significantly while wearing the Amia Cincher, we also found our posture improved, and we burned twice as many calories while walking the city. We haven’t gotten to the point of wearing the waist trainer every day, but we knew it was working when a friend who we hadn’t seen in a while commented that we looked like we lost weight….and we were not wearing our cincher that day. At this rate, we will be all set for summer and maybe a few crop tops.

The Amia is a great way to begin your waist training, just make sure you also include a proper diet and exercise regimen (even if its just walking) as well. We recommend buying two sizes (your current top size, and a smaller size) to gradually and healthily step down a size, but if you feel one size will be enough, we recommend going with the smaller size. If you are ready to begin, visit and explore their various cinchers.

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