My Life on (and off) the Guest List


I just came from a most excellent event (yes, so good, I had to pull a Bill & Ted description); it felt more like being with family for Christmas or Thanksgiving Dinner instead of an actual event. I am of course talking about the launch of Combier Liqueur D’Orange in the US. It is the smoothest Triple Sec Liqueur (made out of dried bitter oranges from Haiti) I have ever tasted (and you can tell by the amount of events the gang and I have attended, this is no empty compliment). “Created in 1834, Combier Liqueur d’Orange is the original crystal clear orange liqueur. Combier’s all-natural recipe is distinctly unique and must be created slowly and skillfully.”
“Each bottle of Combier is produced, packaged, and shipped from the same location it was in the 19th century: Saumur,France. Rich in history and tradition, Combier will forever remain the original orange liqueur.”

It was a rainy day which I thought was perfect because Combier is very much a rainy day drink……can’t you imagine a cold, rainy and dreary day and a nice sifter of Combier warming you up from the inside out? Anyway, I arrive to find Zia* already there enjoying what will become my favorite drink of the night – Prickly Pear Margarita, she tells me it’s so good and I must get one right away. I tell her I will but I must do a little work first. My first task is to survey the event space and take in the decor and ambiance. I notice fresh oranges everywhere which gives the space a whole tropical feel and fragrance, dried orange peels (which is what Combier is made from) and of course eye catching signage

First things first, I made sure I was introduced to Scott Goldman from Cadre Noir, LLC, the US Combier Importer.

Scott was not the only Goldman in attendance, infact the whole Goldman family was there. You know how you meet a family and fall instantly in love with them, well this is what happened here. Scott’s mom, dad and especially his grandfather are absolutely hilarious people; super sweet and very welcoming, the gang and I felt like we were at a family reunion at Christmastime. Here’s Scott with his grandfather and his brothers (there were so many of them, kinda reminded me of the Baldwin Brothers – minus the craziness)- notice they all have on something orange (of course this is because Combier is an Orange Liqueur)

Anyway, on my way to the bar, I snapped a few photos of the festivities

Including a table that was set up where you could have shots of Combier straight up

We all tried a shot (except for Alexandra* who doesn’t drink) and it was so incredibly smooth, no burning or stinging. Now back on my way to the bar to get my Prickly Pear Margarita (most of us ended up drinking 4 or 5 drinks each total and there was no stumbling, headaches, slurred speech, acting foolish etc. Just a really incredible liqueur).

And Zia* wasn’t exaggerating, it was marvelous, the perfect Margarita. I took a photo of the specialty drinks we enjoyed from this night but the entire receipe is below that

Combier Event Drink Menu
Recipes Prepared by Israel Nocelo & Andres Sanchez

Classic Margarita

1.5oz Combier
.75oz tequila blancos
.5oz agave nectar
1.25oz fresh lime juice
.75oz water

* The cocktail glass is rimmed with Cactus Salt.

Blood Orange Margarita or “La Colorada”

1.5oz Combier
.75oz tequila blanco
.5oz agave nectar
1.25oz fresh lime juice
1.5oz blood orange puree

*The cocktail glass is rimmed with grilled Pasilla Salt.

Prickly Pear Margarita

1.5oz Combier
.75oz tequila blanco
.5oz agave nectar
1.25oz fresh lime juice
1.5oz green prickly pear juice

*The cocktail glass is rimmed with grilled chile Pasilla Salt.

And where can you get your hands on Combier you are probably asking, well I have that information for you as well. Below is a list of stores you can purchase Combier in New York (Combier Liqueur d’Orange is currently sold in leading bars across Europe, Asia, and the French West Indies; it is also available in Pennsylvania as well) but I know it will soon be readily available everywhere. It comes in 750 ml bottles and retails for a mere $39.99 per bottle (which is an incredible bargain). I’m thinking perhaps a great Father’s Day Gift (after I get one for myself of course) ….hmmmm

Park Ave Liquor
292 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Sherry-Lehmann Wine & Spirits Merchants
505 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10022

Astor Place
399 Lafayette
New York, NY 10003

And in case you’re out and about enjoying the nighlife wondering where can you go to enjoy a few tasty Combier drinks, several bars in New York carry Eleven Madison Park, Hudson Bar, L’Orange Bleu, Los Dados and The Waverly Inn.

As I stated at the beginning, the Goldman family were amazing to the guests of this event. It was truly a family affair and the entire family were engaging and spoke to everyone. My favorite was when grandpa called us (the gang) sissies for only being on drink #2 (he gave us the thumbs up when we reached 4 and 5 drinks).

Along with the wonderful drinks, we also enjoyed some very yummy hors d’oeuvres like crabcakes, mini qesidillas, coconut shrimp, etc, that were also made with Combier liqueur

A completely wonderful evening, I can’t wait to enjoy Combier again and now that I have a recipe book, I will be trying some out.

If you are already familiar with Combier or would like to get more instant information, becaome a fan on their Facebook Page

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1 comment

Anonymous May 26, 2009 at 2:11 pm

I attended and found that this was one of the best events and one of the best families!!! A really good NY event with spectacular drinks.


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