My Life on (and off) the Guest List

New York Model Management Celebrates Fall/Winter 2009 Fashion Week

Afer the XOXO exhibit, Kim and I dashed over to the New York Model Management event. It was very easy breeze going in. It took us a bit to get settled because there was bit of a miscommunication about what exactly you had to do with coat check. Some were saying it’s mandatory, while others were just letting people in. We went inm grab a glass of champagne and walked around for a bit.

We ended up just sitting and relaxing, people watching (mainly the male models), drinking champagne and watching the pool change colors but wondering if anyone would get drunk enough to accidentally fall into the pool or knock someone in (sadly neither happened – while we were there)

We were kind of in awe of the beautiful colors, doesn’t the pool look so inviting? We’re still surprised no one jumped in. Imagining how cold it was outside, we were joking that we should jump in because the pool was quite warm but then going home would have been quite a frosty experience, wouldn it?

Anyway, I spoke to Cory Bautista of New York Models about my friend William. If anyone saw Bravo’s Make me a Supermodel, you might remember the name; he was the head judge. Aanyway, I have to call him next week (after Fashion Week) to possible set up a meeting for William. Cross your fingers.

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