My Life on (and off) the Guest List

M Project and Trunk Archive Present XOXO

For those of you who know me, you can see how this event appeals to me; for those who do not know me – I love my lips I didn’t always feel this way but now I do. I’ve been told my lips are very soft and kissable (and I do like to kiss). So when I saw the invitation to this event, I knew I’d be attending come rain, snow, hail, etc. Luckily it was only tornado type wind and cold I had to deal with on this day. Anyway, welcome to the M Project and Trunk Archive Event, a photography exhibit which is centered around the beauty of the lips. The event presented beautifully lacquered lips photographed by some of the world’s best – Miles Aldridge, Guy Aroch, Liz Collins, Pamela Hanson, Greg Kadel, Mary Ellen Mark, Inez Van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin, Melodie McDaniel, David Slijper, Straulino, Eric Traore and Max Vadukul. Unfortunately the names of the photographs were tiny, so it isn’t readable in the photographs

I arrived at the event alone (and after several minutes of going in circles), Kim was about 15 minutes behind me. Everyone else was either out of town or working late. As soon as you enter the gallery, you’re greeted with this amazing photo

And as I moved throughout the event, the photos just got beter and better

Quick note about the crowd before I continue with the artwork – a very eclectic crowd but quite relaxed and comfortable with one another. I think everyone was just really enjoying the artwork.

Anyway, back to the artwork. You may have noticed a lot of red lips but there were other colors, like orange, brown and black

As you can see, the photos were all quite breathtakingly beautiful but I had a favorite. There was just something about the photo, it was wild, sexy and sensual and it leaves an impression

Feel free to either agree or disagree with me. Which one is your favorite?

Anyway, in addition to the wonderful wine from Dubonnet the event offered, there was also the most amazing dip I’ve ever had. Kim and I couldn’t stop eating it and we were surely not the only ones who shared this – oh yeah and it was pink. It reminded me a bit of Ambrosia salad but much more appealing to the eyes and of course the palette

Surrounding the dip is chocolate (of course – what better way to bring attention to the mouth than by eating some sinful chocolate). It was chocolate shaped hearts and lips and they were all over the event, you could not escape

And if you thought you could ignore the chocolate, guess what??? – CUPCAKES!!! Lovely amuse-bouche size cupcakes (for those who don’t speak French, it means mouth amuser, a bite-size hors d’ouevre no bigger than one bite) from Tonnie’s Minis

How can one resist? Who is strong enough to do so? Certainly not Kim or I because we indulged. You may be wondering how we can justify pigging out on chocolate, cupcakes, crackers and dip but I have two words for you – Fashion Week. Anyone who’s ever attended the shows knows you have zero time to eat, you barely have time to catch your breath. During Fashion week, you just really survive on what food freebies you get at the tents (until you’re absolutely sick of them – I still can’t go anywhere near York Peppermint Patties, who sponsored a few years ago). I’ve always said Fashion Week is the best diet and it’s still very much true.

Anyway, the final treat for this event actually doesn’t involve food but it does have to do witht he mouth….well, the lips really. Along with the trays of chocolate hearts and lips, there were trays of Kiehls Lip Gloss

Now Kim and I, being the (suckers) decent human beings that we are, only took a couple because we didn’t want to be greedy – too bad some people didn’t feel that way. They cleared those trays like it was a money free-for-all. We learned our lesson, a little hording is always in order.

Anyway, I’m putting in my bid right now for any of these photographers from tonight’s event. My lips are ready to be shot. Consider this my request, I’ll happily volunteer my time. Email me

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