My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Lesson Learned

I thought we were atending the first out of many events we had that day so I ran out of work. On my way to the event, I was told that is was a crap event and don’t bother going. As you can imagine I now had some time to kill as the next event didn’t start for another 45 minutes. What do you do when you have no plans and time to kill? As I said, I was already on my way so I did the unthinkable to went to the crap event anyway. As I’m writing this sentence in my notebook, I haven’t decided if I want to write about the event or even state the name of it yet.

So I went to the event and things were going ok. It was a small space and there were not many people but still ok. There was wine and hors d’oeures (which is where the problem lies). I went to get some from the buffet style (or should I say help yourself style layout) and I found two very long hairs. Who the hell did the catering, cousin It from the Adams Family? Please let them know someone is shedding in the hors d’oeuvres. I have a very low tolerance for nausea. You can only imagine my disgust. I left practically throwing up

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