My Life on (and off) the Guest List


We were invited to an event at Delicatessen for Soho Design Magazine by Patty. I was the first to arrive (as with most times) and Dave and Patty arrived about 1/2 hour later almost simultaneously (Kim, Alexandra* and Zia* were not available to attend). Anyway, when I arrived, I was one of about 12 people (we were warned to arrive early)who were shown to a beautiful area of Delicatessen that could only be described as a Sun Room/Indoor Deck. I say Sun Room/Indoor Deck (it really is a Courtyard) because it had a skylight where you can see the buildings surrounding Delicatessen

A short descent down the stairs and to the left brought me to this very chic cave

so dark and sexy; a perfect place to bring a date or an affair for that matter (kidding)….anyway, I was waiting for the gang so I took a seat near the bar (of course) and grabbed a glass of white

In less than half an hour, the place was packed, Dave and Patty arrived at the same time. By that time, I was almost done with my wine (sipping in between conversations) and while Dave and Patty stood on line at the now crowded bar, I finished my first glass and Dave got me a second…..perfect timing I say

I must say it was a pretty cool event and there was a giftbag but as soon I got got home, it was tossed in my giftbag pile (there’s quite a few) and I can’t seem to find it now (oh lord).

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Glasgow April 22, 2009 at 7:41 pm

Mr. Loeb,

Please note that all comments on blog made by third parties are protected. Section 230 Protections (CDA 230),, protects web, blog, and forum hosts from defamation claims arising from statements made on their websites by third parties.

Anonymous April 18, 2009 at 5:56 pm

Dear Ms. Skinner,

Please be advised that my firm is requesting that you remove all liable and inflammatory comments from your blog relating to my client Mr. de Medici. In addition please be advised that your use of his image is unauthorized and prohibited and infringes on copyright laws. Further be advised that the remarks contained on the said blog have no foundation in fact or substance, however due to there content it could result in undue damage to my clients reputation , most especially if the person reading the unfounded remarks did not know my client. I am therefore requesting in order to avoid unnecessary legal action and expense that all content regarding my client as well as all images of him be removed forthwith. I appreciate your cooperation in advance and hope this can be resolved without further issue.

Sincerely Jeffery Loeb, Attorney at Law


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