My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Project Earth Day – Eco-Fashion Show and Design Competition

I am very late with this post but when you do four to five event in a day (just about everyday), there is a tendency to get behind in posting. Anyway, on with it.

We’re all aware of Green beauty products, food, bags, etc but how about clothing? Thanks to the US Green Building Council of NY’s Emerging Green Builders (USGBC New York)‘s Project Earth Day, Kim and I got to enjoy a few green fashions at the OpenHouse Gallery, a very sleek, modern event space. We walked in to find trees surrounding the check-in area and a step-n-repeat with all the sponsors.

and a very crowded main area.

Unfortunately Kim and I got there very late and missed half of the event, which included the green carpet reception and the student competition designers. The theme for this year’s competition was “Through the Looking Glass; An Exploration of Scale and Proportion”. “Travel through the looking glass to our wonderland, present-day New York City, viewed through a distorted lens where big is small, small is big, and the worlds of building and fashion collide through an exploration of scale”. I did manage to get the list of students:

Theresa Chan – Connecticut College
Ee Ling Chua – Santa Monica College
Shirley Gallagher – FIT
Gabriela Huttera – FIT
Heewon Jung – FIT
Boram Kang – FIT
Stacy LOngo – FIT
Caroline Rossignol – Parsons
Erika Rae Schuster – FIT
Sawa Takai – FIT
Elise Vanderkley – Marymount Manhattan College

and the judges for the event:

Drew Becher – Exec Director of sponsor, NY Restoration Project
Janine James – Founder & Creative Director of The Moderns
John Schroeter – President and CEO of Applied Textiles
Kevin Christiana– Project Runway Season 4 Contestant

Contestants were judged on the following:

Creativity & Concept (50%)
Technical Execution (25%)
Eco Design Principles Checklist (25%)

Prizes included:

First Prize: $1500 (look will be featured online for 1 month on Cosmopolitan’s Hot
Spot website,, gift bag from our sponsors
Second Prize: $750 & gift bag from our sponsors
Third Prize: $350, gift bag from our sponsors
Honorable Mention (2 Recipients): $50, gift bag from our sponsors

But as I mentioned, we missed it but I do have video footage of the winners

It’s a bit noisy with the huge crowd but the winners are

1st Place Winner: Stacy Longo
2nd Place Winner: Shirley Gallagher
3rd Place Winner: Erika Schuster
Honorable Mention: Caroline Rossingol
Honorable Mention: Theresa Chan

but I do have the actual show and photos from the Professional Designer Runway Show, which featured designs from Alkemie, Bodkin, Bahar Shahpar, Charmoné, Covet, Cri de Coeur, Eko-Lab (Meiling Chen, Melissa Kirgan, Mika Machida, and Xing-Zhen Chung-Hilyard), Lara Miller, Larsen Grey, Loyale, Mociun, Mattainai, NEUAURA, Olsen Haus and Sublet.

We saw some very interesting and innovative designs. When most think of Green or Eco-fashions, they usually thing boring or hemp t-shirts or loose, flowy clothing but these designs featured very chic and wearable clothing. Kim and I still had another event to go to so we didn’t stay for the After Party. on our way out, we grabbed our giftbags and off we went. I look forward to next year’s event.

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