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Levi’s Jeans Asks “What’s Your Curve ID?”

Women with curves will be happy to know that Levis Jeans has listened to their complaints about the non existence of jeans that actually fit. This brought Levis to realize that “Not All Asses Are Not Created Equal”. Amen

Ladies like me with curves (even if it’s just a little curve) can now get jeans not according to size but according to their curves/shape…that’s right ladies welcome to your Curve ID.

The Curve ID System was created as a result of studying more than 60,000 body scans and listening to women around the world of all shapes and sizes.“Through this research, Levi’s® designers created a new approach to measuring a woman’s body and identified three distinct body types that account for 80 percent of women’s shapes universally. The three Levi’s® Curve ID fits are based on these universal body types.”

The three custom fits are based on the difference between the measurement of a woman’s hip and seat – the greater the difference, the more curvy the body – the three fits include:

Slight Curvedesigned to celebrate straight figures Slight Curve is designed to define a woman’s waist, while accentuating her curves. If jeans usually fit in the hips and thighs but are too tight in the waist, a woman should try the Slight Curve.

Demi Curvedesigned to fit even proportions Demi Curve is designed to flatter a woman’s waist, while smoothing her shape. If jeans usually fit in the waist, but don’t flatter the figure, a woman should try the Demi Curve.

Bold Curvedesigned to honor genuine curves Bold Curve is designed to hug the waist, without gapping or pulling. If jeans usually fit in the hips and thighs, but gap in the back, a woman should try the Bold Curve.

Levi’s held an event for bloggers and other online media to introduce Curve ID at their Soho store where we were fitted for a pair of Levi’s® Curve ID jeans. We lucky ladies were measured in a new way, this revolutionary new form of measurement considers a woman’s body shape and degree of curve, as opposed to just her waist size alone. I ended up getting a pair of Skinny Jeans in the Bold Curve and they fit amazing

Levi’s® Fit and Curve ID expert, Kris Tulin, demonstrated how the new Levi’s measurements are taken on three models all a size 27 but with different degrees of curves (a huge thanks to James of StyleMusicTV for sharing the video directly below)

and then she showed how the fit looks when we buy the wrong pair of jeans

Women of all shapes and sizes got measured and couldn’t wait to try on one or two pairs of the Levi’s Curve ID Jeans

and joyously enjoyed some yogurt and fresh fruit from froyo favorite, Pinkberry

The Levi’s Curve ID Jeans are available now and retail for $59.50, so get to a Levi’s store to get measured and get your Curve ID. See below for more photos from the event

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