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Better your Life with ECO Cleaning Products

To anyone who says Eco cleaning products are not as effective as regular products, let me introduce you to two companies that will change you mind – Ecover and Earth Friendly Products (ECOS). The only thing their products are not effective in… poisoning you and your family.


Ecover is a safe alternative to the seemingly endless array of chemical-based household cleaners on the market today. With an entire range of products for cleaning – from the dirty clothes hamper to the washroom to the kitchen sink! – Ecover makes it easy to clean effectively while still making small changes to help the environment. The onsite laboratory takes great strides in testing ingredients and formulas that result in the quick and complete degradation of the end product. This means that after each use all Ecover products totally and completely degrade ensuring their reversion to nature’s intended “building blocks”.

I luckily got to try out a few samples and I’m in love with everything about it – the scent of the Laundry Wash HE alone made me think my clothes would really be clean (and they were) – no need for chemical deodorizers or harsh bleach. Laundry has become a welcomed calming time for me – you will not to able to stop wanting to experiencing the amazing scent every time you open the bottle and you can’t help but smile at how clean your laundry is. Out of  all their products, I must say that my favorite Ecover product was the Stain Remover, a power-packed Stain Remover with a built-in brush that works wonders (this may be because I used it on every stain with success. It did an amazing job of removing a few cherry juice stains from a white and navy striped maxi dress I wore to a BBQ.

Earth Friendly Products (ECOS)

Earth Friendly Products provides high quality, affordable green products. Their entire product line is free of 1,4-dioxane, formaldehyde, phosphates, caustics, chlorine bleach, and other toxins. All product is tracked from raw material through final manufacture in the company owned and operated plants. The continued dedication of its founder Van Vlahakis, closely involved family members, capable management, chemists, and production employees has produced a success formula and a strong foundation for further growth. ECOS is known for a lot of Firsts:

First to stop use of salts in all cleaners, an action necessary to protect water supplies.
First to eliminate Formaldehyde, a pernicious toxin.
First to eliminate 1,4 Dioxane, a carcingoen, from all products.
First to introduce a patented nuetral pH automatic dishwashing product, WAVE® Gel and many more

ECOS has a wonderful Liquid Laundry Detergent as well, in wonderful scents such as Lavender, Magnolia & Lillies and Lemongrass but I only got to try out the Dismate which comes in Almond, Grapefruit, Lavender, Pear and Free and Clear. A little goes a very long way with this dish washing liquid as it is a concentrated formula so you’re truly getting your money’s worth – clean dishes with no dry or irritated hands.

I was extremely satisfied with the performance of both these companies’ products and I will absolutely make a few changes in my household cleaning closet – you should too.

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1 comment

Ecover August 29, 2011 at 1:37 pm

Thanks so much for posting your thoughts on Ecover cleaning products! We're thrilled that the Laundry Wash not only worked but provided aromatherapy as well! : ) And the fact that our Stain Remover and its handy brush restored your maxi dress to its former glory is great news too. Thank you again for sharing your experiences on your blog … and enjoy your clean clothes!
-Deb for Ecover


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