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HoodieBuddie Loves Betty White….

….and so do we. Betty White has been a favorite since her days on the Mary Tyler Moore Show in my house (my mom is a huge fan), a statement I’m sure most of you agree with. The incredibly funny icon and legend is also a fashion favorite as can be seen on Hot in Cleveland with her ever present bedazzled sweatsuits, but did you know she was a designer? That’s right, Betty White has a new limited edition line of t-shirts and HoodieBuddies™?

hoodiebuddies betty

Check out the hilarious Betty moments as she creates her limited edition collection with HoodieBuddie in this video

As you can see, HoodieBuddie Loves Betty White, but then who doesn’t. Betty is also a celebrated animal lover, so a portion of the proceeds go to the Morris Animal Foundation. Although Betty’s rockin’ limited edition hoodies were sold out faster than you can say Golden Girls, you can check out new styles from HoodieBuddie at

About HoodieBuddie

With HB3 Technology
HoodieBuddie(tm) integrates HB3 Technology(tm) into fun, functional, and wearable garments that embody a carefree and vibrant lifestyle. HB3 Technology(tm) is the patented innovation which integrates full device connectivity into sweatshirts and other apparel through an input jack in the pocket and machine washable drawstring earbuds. From simple solids, to brights and bold patterns, HoodieBuddie(tm) is a must-have at the game, on the plane, and everyday – from mainstreet to downtown. Not only is HoodieBuddie(tm) a revolutionary product that will forever change apparel in its most traditional form, is a unique virtual community that fuses social networking with traditional e-commerce functionality. For more information on HoodieBuddie(tm) with HB3 Technology(tm), please visit

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1 comment

Miss Lego January 21, 2012 at 6:06 pm

Betty White is amazing, I loved her in Saturday Nght Live, so funny, she is unique!


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