My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Get a Facelift at Home w/ Myotone® Facial Toning System

When my editor, Glasgow, sent me an email with the assignment to try out the new Myotone® Facial Toning System, I did a quick happy dance in front of my computer. Innovative skincare technology is my thing. I traveled to the Luminique MedSpa in lower Manhattan to get a personal demonstration from a Myotone® specialist. The handheld device is a non-invasive way to encourage an increase in skin elasticity. It also smooths lines, wrinkles and texture irregularities. Using this device several minutes per day (much like a Clarisonic) can keep one looking lifted and youthful. It is also designed to complement any surgical work you may have had as well. I’m sure the thought ran across your mind that current + handheld device = electric shock, but no, that did not happen.

The device has three toning levels but it’s not something you can feel. My Myotonologist added a mixture of a gel and serum to my skin to help diffuse the current (much like the gel used when you go to get a sonogram, only this one is good for your skin). You feel the device on your face but the two metal pieces aid in providing a massage ball-like effect and it’s calming. My specialist, Geoff, also applied the product to my neck as well since as we age, our decolletage area is the first to give into gravity. Overall having the treatment done was a pleasant experience and my skin was glowing afterwards. In terms of fine lines and wrinkles waning (I don’t have much to start with), you can’t say after just one application. Although, in the two days after, my skin is still glowing. What do you think? Are you a believer in microcurrent facial devices? Do we even know what they are? Sound off in the comments below!

***Thanks to Beauty Contributor, Laura A. Floyd of Blush and Beakers for covering Myotone®’s Facial Toning System for My Life on and off the Guest List. Make sure to check out her blog.

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SallyK August 29, 2014 at 5:50 am

Often called “The 5 Minute Face Lift” in-home facial toning devices are the latest in anti-ageing technology. They have the advantage of being more economical than professional treatments and are easy and convenient to use in the privacy of your home.

These devices are achieving remarkable results in attaining a younger and healthier looking appearance. Clinical studies confirm improved facial contour, improved facial tone and reduced wrinkles. They have the advantage of being more economical than professional treatments and are easy and convenient to use in the privacy of your home.

Glasgow Skinner November 6, 2013 at 6:43 pm

Katie, you are so welcome. We are happy to help

Katie November 6, 2013 at 5:21 pm

Hi! I found your blog through Myotone's website: Thanks for the review–it was super helpful with my decision to buy the microcurrent device.


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