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Tech News: Momentage App Plans to Replace Instagram

It looks like Instagram is getting some major competition as the #1 photo-sharing app. There is a new photo-sharing app that is more than just a camera with cool filters. Momentage is the first photo-sharing app to offer unique features beyond adding filters and sharing it to friends and followers. With Momentage photos, you can embed sound files that play when the image is viewed, and photos and videos can be blended together into one collage-like post giving your followers both a visual and audio experience of your fun, interesting and special moments simultaneously.

Create a moment through a single or collection of photos, videos and SoundImages™, edit, delete and even add to an existing moment at any time (something you cannot do with Instagram) and you have the choice to either share your moments with the public (‘Public’ option on the lower left hand corner), a private group, or keep them for yourself.

Unfortunately Android users, Momemtage, which just launched on Thursday, is only available for the iPhone right now but hopefully that will change soon. IPhone users can download the app HERE.

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