My Life on (and off) the Guest List

And the Events continue…. Part 1

I swear, 6pm – 9pm must be the holy or unholy (depending on your opinion)event hours because most weekday events are held at exactly that time as evidenced today (and several time before). There were four, yes four events during that time period. Two were from 6pm – 8pm and the other two, 6pm to 9pm. Today is also my friend’s Zia’s* birthday and she wanted to go see live music to celebrate but thankfully it starts at 9:30pm.

we start at Macy’s Herald Square for the first two events – Calvin Klein Underwear Events. Zia* is supposed to meet me at 6pm at the 6th Ave entrance. i arrive at 5:50 pm and wait. As I wait for her (she arrives at 6:05pm), I notice a black, tinted-windowed sedan with a NYC Cop Car infront of it, a black, tinted-windowed SUV directly behind it (with lights flashing) and another black, tinted-windowed sedan (also with lights flashing) behind the SUV. This could only mean one thing – a celebrity is in the house – who it is I never find out but the way i’m feeling (something is happening to my throat), who the hell cares.

Zia arrives and we make it to the first event, the Calvin Klein Seductive Comfort Launch Party with InStyle Magazine on the 6th floor. We walk in and are greeted with models on a platform

and waiters with hors d’oeuvres, water w/ lime (which I grab to try to destroy whatever is happening with my throat) as Zia* heads straight for her favorite, champagne (this brings up a conversation where she states she’s been drinking more because she’s attending more events. I tell her it must be hard suffering so much – much laughter insues). The hors d’oeuvres look yummy and the one time we took what they offered, it tasted great but we were more intrigued by the free pair of Calvin Kelin plush slippers for trying on the new bra. Free Slippers – yay!!

We were fitted (me incorrectly; I told the macy’s rep i was a 34D, she insisted I was a 36C……..righttttttttt because she obviously knows my “grrrls” better that i do). By the way, did you ladies know you’re supposed to change your bra every 6 months – who knew! Anyway, Zia and I are at the opposite ends of the “grrrls” Spectrum – she wants more, I want less, neither of us are happy. After we each get what seems like 50 bras to try (ok, well 6 but that’s a lot), I try on only one since they are all the same size (just different colors) and you know what………? Quelle surprise – the cups are too small for me and the band is too large to properly support. Well, well, well – what do you know, I guess I do know my “grrrls” better than the Macy’s rep did. Zia’s* luck was not much better her tryons didn’t go well, she looked very disappointed.

A very funny/weird/pathetic? thing happened in the fitting rooms. As everyone was trying on bras, one being an older woman who seemed o be taking forever, she’d come out to get another bra to try and head back in (I along with the other women waiting for our turn found this strange but was told by the fitting attendant that there was no limit on the number of bras you can bring in to try on). When the woman finally dashed out of there, she seemed to be in a hurry but we paid it no mind, we were just happy the line was moving (only two fitting rooms were available to us). When the fitting room attendant went to clear out the room for the next person, low and behold on the floor of the fitting room was a security thingy from the bra. The older woman stole a bra, it seems she walked out wearing it. I mean come on, it’s a bra – granted a $44 bra but still. Really? A bra? Anyway, back to the event.

I did find a bra, so not only do i get the slippers but i get a hardcover copy of InStyle’s Style 101 book. On to the register I go but alas, it is not meant to be. At this time, I must point out that I haven’t purchased anything from Macy’s in about 6 months, maybe more but I wasn’t worried because I continue to pay off my rather large Macy’s bill diligently but still…shock of my life, i’ve been declined – whaaaaa?? huh?? It turns out if you have been inactive for some time, you kinda have to make a “hello, I’m still alive” phone call to them. So sadly, there is no new over the shoulder-boulder-holder for the “grrrls” (and I had a 20% off coupon) but I still got the slippers.

You learn something new everyday, in my case, multiple things in a day. One more drink (water again for me, champagne for Zia) and we’re off to the next Calvin Klein event at Macy’s – A Meet & Greet with Calvin Kelin’s new male model for their Body line, Garrett Neff. We arrive at 1 1/2 to a dj and an employee setting up Ipod shuffles on a table (did Apple donate their excess Shuffles? First at PUMA yesterday and Macy’s today). Anyway, you spend $50 or so and you get a free shuffle but no sign of Garrett – turns out we’re on the wrong floor, the event is on the lower level – “Lower level – Men’s Undies, going down” (if you’re not familiar with BBC’s hot show, “Are You being Served“, you should acquaint yourselves, it’s highlarious. Zia and I finally make it down but we have to hurry as we still have two more events to attend and it’s a bit after 7pm. Wine is served but we don’t partake and there’s a line to meet Garrett but we have no time for that, so I go around and make nice with the security, take these two shots (damn it, he’s fully clothed) and turn to leave.

Luckily I notice a poster of Garrett in his Calvin Klein poster – this will have to do (yummy – boy do I need a date).

We are in and out in about 10 minutes – high ho, high ho, it’s off to Barney’s we go for the Barney’s/Allura Spa Magazine Launch.

Part 2 coming soon

*Some names have been changed to protect the permanently shy and those possibly under witness protection

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1 comment

Soca 2wins September 30, 2008 at 4:25 am



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