My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Shecky’s Girls Night Out

Thursday Night I went to sleep with the thought, thank god tomorrow’s is Friday because I was exhausted. This week has been like fashion week in regards to the amount of events I’ve attended. Add the fact that my office is on the Antartic side of warmth (I actually have a heater at my desk) doesn’t help.

So it was no surprise that I woke up feeling like my body lost a battle with the spin cycle – migraine, coughing and very, very drowsy from some cold medicine i took the night before (buy that thing is strong). I called in sick and went back to sleep. Three hours later I felt much better (still had a headache but not a migraine anymore), I drank some of the many bottles of Borba and Hint water I had from past gift bags and drank one bottle of water mixed with a EBoost packette, which is an immune, energy, recovery and focus booster. That really helped but I was very, bored. I’m not the type to stay home and not do anything (as you can tell by the amount of events I’ve been to), I get bored easily. Even if I am home, I have to have something to do but this day, I did not. I also had to do a favor for my friend Alva, so I headed to the city at 4pm did the favor for Alva and went to Sheckys.

As expected, Shecky’s was crowded (I know, when is it not?). The usual free drinks of Chambord, Beer, Barcardi Mojitos, Borba, etc was well represented amongst the vendors with items to sell.

I actually made some purchases tonight. I know that my trip is coming up but I couldn’t resist. I bought a pair of pink heart Swarovski Crystal earring from Buttercup Creations because I forgot my earrings when I left the house. I only paid $10 for them – not so bad and a bit of a necessity (I feel naked without earrings). My second purchase was pure impulse. It was this adorable headband (I love headbands and many who know me have rarely seen me without one on my head). Anyway, here it is

The vendor didn’t have any signage at his booth (well, he had 1/4 booth) but his name is Rick and he gave me his email address if anyone wants to purchase one. I think I might want another one. Anyway, his email address is Below is a photo of his booth and him (there’s also a woman wearing one of his headbands)

I also decided to have someone do a makeover (boy was that ever a big mistake). The colors the makeup artist chose were horrible on me, I looked like a freaking tranny. I forgot to mention Zia* and ALexandra* were with me, of course they were laughing but at elast they gave me lots of sympathy. I headed directly tot he bathroom to wipe that sh&* off. Thank god I wa snear one. Anyway, enough of the bad, let’s go to the not-so-good (for me).
There were a couple of contests, like the Nintendo DS giveaway (four were given away, I didn’t win any) and the Dove Go Fresh Basket giveaway, which I didn’t win either (as usual)

Anyway, I noticed something new at this Shecky’s Girls Night Out – a new Shecky’s but this one is for the holiday season called (of course) Shecky’s Holiday Night Out. It is being hel at the Altman Building on 18th street from Thursday, December 18th to Saturday, December 20th. People were buying their tickets already

Anyway, the last thing to say about Shecky’s is of course the giftbag, even though it’s usually the first thing you do as you enter the building because once it gets crowded, there’s a line. Since I got there esrly, I was able to avoid the line. I took a photo of it and the goodie bag.

*Some names have been changed to protect the permanently shy and those possibly under witness protection

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