My Life on (and off) the Guest List


Carlos Campos featured both menswear and womenswear this season as he has did last season. He has a very strong voice in his menswear collection, an excellent eye for shape and cut. Shown offsite at the Altman Building, Carlos’s show was running a bit behind. The show was slated to start at 7pm but actually went underway at 8pm thanks to Tyson Beckford who was running really late (he actually missed the first 5 minutes of the show). Anyway, as stated above, Carlos Campos is a great menswear designer, although not as known as Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, etc, he has a very good celebrity clientele.

Carlos Campos is fairly new to womenwear (he introduced one womenswear piece in his Fall 2008 show) and a fuller line in his Spring 2009 show) but he’s doing some great strides in his womenswear collection

I love the sexiness of the lace leggings in the above look but my four standout womens looks are below. I love how his suits have a slight masculine shape with feminine appeal

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