My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Holiday Gift Guide – My Love of Acer

One of my favorite……actually it’s best to say the company I was most excited to see at the Holiday Gift Guide was Acer.

I very much want an Acer Aspire One. I’d love to get the 10.1 inch screen, 160GB, 6-cell battery in my fave color – Pink (I have a pink cell, bike, camera….you get the idea). I’ll do anything to get one (just about), even sell secrets to the enemy (unfortunately, I have no secrets worth a dime). The problem is that the one I want is non-existant. The 10.1 inch screen doesn’t come in Pink but the 8.9 inch does, so I’ll definitely take that one (hint…hint…)

Look at the photo above, how can you not love it, it’s so beautiful. I’m completely in love; do you know how bad I’ve got it for this Coral Pink beauty – I have a photo of it taped to my wall (both at home and at work), it is also desktop’s background image and also on my Secret board (if you’re familiar with the book, The Secret, then you know what I mean). Until recently, it was my screensaver (a friend politely told me it’s was getting out of hand).

Anyway, putting aside that it comes in Pink and fits ever so nicely in your bag, it has an Intel Processor with 160BG hard disk drive, 1GB Ram and a 6-cell battery for up for 7 hours battery life, Bluetooth, WI-FI, Eye Web Cam and it’s less expensive than say an HP Netbook. I say again, what’s not to love. While speaking to the rep, I was told that an 11 inch screen Acer was coming out in the Fall. Do they have it in Pink? Unfortunately no but no matter, I will happily be skipping through the fields with my 8.9 or 10.1 inch. My hope is to get one before the upcoming Fashion Week in September, do a follow up on how my life is so much easier with the Acer, the ability to quickly update this blog and show off my pink baby, so wish me luck.

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