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Robert Verdi’s The Future of Fashion Retreat

Celebrity Stylist Extraordinaire, Red Carpet Aficionado and now host of his own show, The Robert Verdi Show Starring Robert Verdi hosted his third The Future of Fashion Retreat for the fashion elite to relax and unwind in between the mad dashes to shows. We, lucky few, were treated to “Blowouts from PHYTO’s professional hair stylist, Manicures from Ginger+Liz, Make-up touch ups from Jouer Cosmetics (all were too busy so I never got a chance to enjoy), New ABSOLUT Berri Acai cocktails, Healthy lunches & recovery kits from Blue Print Cleanse, SmartWater & the new VitaminWater Zero, Aluminum bottles from Coca-Cola, Rock & Republic Jeans (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE), ShatoBu Shapewear Bar (heaven), Vans custom shoe station (I never got a chance to try it out), Shades from Carrera (I never got to check these out either) and one-on-one fittings to find your perfect bra size from Maidenform” and a few more treats.

Before I go into detail on my gifting experience, let’s find out a bit more on this amazing retreat (and a few other tidbits) from the man who created it – Robert Verdi. Although I didn’t get to experience every aspect, Robert Verdi does go into great detail the brands featured in his retreat.

Now, my first stop was to Popcorn, Indiana. I must say that Kettle Corn is my favorite and as you can see below, there was plenty of it to enjoy.

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I then ventured to the private boudoir to get fitted for my perfect bra size by Maidenform thanks to Nicole. I found out some very interesting things including the fact that I have to get rid of most of the bras I own as they are the wrong size.

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I was introduced to a new bra guaranteed to give you two cup sizes instantly – as many of you may know that is something I don’t need so Nicole introduced me to the custom fit bra. I asked her the one question that all women should know the answer but don’t – because I didn’t

My next stop was to sample the fantastic and healthy food and drinks from BPC (Blue Print Cleanse). I loved the Spicy Lemonade and Cashew Milk from BPC and the amazing cocktail made with Absolut Berri Acai (a delicious combination of Acai, Blueberry, and Pomegranate)

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Then it was off to the Rock & Republic Denim bar to find a new pair of favorite jeans. Rock & Republic is a luxurious denim brand who makes “must have” jeans and has recently branched out into the Cosmetics market to join their handbag and accessories lines.


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My favorite were these embellished skinny jeans (UPDATE: the jeans are called F#@k Me B#@!H)


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Then I was introduced to what could possibly be my new best friend – The ShāToBu™ Shaper, the workout you wear. ShāToBu™ burns up to 12% more daily calorie- that is my type of workout. “Designed to be worn all day, every day, ShāToBu™ offers enough resistance in the bands to provide a significant toning and burning effect”. I welcome the challenge to these thighs of mine.

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And although I didn’t get to personally try out the Carrera Sunglasses which has been around since 1956 and has made quite a comeback thanks in part to Lady Gaga and other celebs, in my interview with Robert Verdi, he does talk about them and I do have a photo (thanks to a friend).

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What do you think of the items we saw at the Robert Verdi’s The Future of Fashion Retreat? Any favorites you’ll be keeping an eye out for?

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Glasgow March 31, 2010 at 7:18 pm

I hope to have the correct style name and availability soon. I will post as soona s I do

Anonymous March 31, 2010 at 6:22 pm

very cool skinny jeans. what's the style name?

Glasgow March 27, 2010 at 5:17 am

Sorry they're not available online as yet, I'm sure they will be soon.

Anonymous March 27, 2010 at 4:53 am

color me jealous! are the ones you saw currently online? i don't see the studded ones shown. would think that they are not showing them yet if they are part of the fall collection.

Glasgow March 22, 2010 at 9:17 pm

I can't remember what style they were (I haven't received them yet) but I do know they are skinny jeans and I believe the color is either Resistance Blue or Copacetic Blue. You can keep updated via the Rock & Republic site –

But I will be giving an update after I get the jeans

Anonymous March 22, 2010 at 7:29 pm

hi, love the pics! u r so lucky. what style are the rock & republic jeans you picked? want to keep note of them when they come out. do u have pics of the other styles?


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