My Life on (and off) the Guest List

7 Things You Didn’t Know: NYFW vs Super Bowl Infographic

Many may not know this, but during this time of year, New Yorkers segment themselves into two groups, those who worship at the altar of the 50-yard line, and those who have a passion for fashion. With both events starting in early February, the team at was curious (we admit we were as well) about how the two events stacked up against each other in the all important categories, so they came up with this very informative NYFW vs Super Bowl Infographic comparing such categories as revenue generated, expense, social media impact, etc.

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According to the NYFW vs Super Bowl Infographic, NYFW is winning the revenue race, bringing in twice as much money than the Super Bowl, generating a whopping $900 million. While NYFW is winning in money earned, the Super Bowl has got the viewership numbers all locked up with 114.4 million viewers tuning in to see who tackles their way to taking the Vince Lombardi Trophy home, this is probably something to do with the fact many viewers often place a bet on which team they think will win using a site such as and others, no one is going to miss the real-time results of their gameday bets! When it comes to food, we have to give it to Super Bowl viewers, while they’re relaxing on their couches, continuously indulging in delicious comfort foods like chicken wings (an estimated 1.25 billion chicken wings are eaten on game day), NYFW attendees are left to guzzle down quick cups of coffee, and Fiber One bars while running from fashion show to fashion show (although the coffee and healthy snack industry are going pretty well since 26,000 cups of espresso and 45,000 Fiber One bars are consumed by fashionistas). When it comes to social media, while the numbers were close, fashion still rules! Last year the #nyfw hashtag was reportedly used 31.6 million times in Instagram engagements, and the #superbowl hashtag garnered a total of 28.4 million tweets! That’s a lot of dedication for these two major US events, but we’re not surprised.

Which will you be tuning in to? Are you a NYFW fashionista or a Super Bowl super fan? Let us know in the comments, and thanks to for this amazing infographic.

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