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Have Dry, Sensitive Skin? Try Burt’s Bees Sensitive Skin

Hi guys, it’s Zia…Happy New Year to you all. It’s winter and my dry, sensitive skin gets into more of an uproar than usual. Winter is drying to oily and combination skin, so imagine what it does to my skintype. As a woman with dry, sensitive skin I am always looking for good, natural products that can clean my face without drying it out or making it feel tight (this is especially essential during the cold season). This led me to try out Burt’s Bees, which has a Sensitive Skin Line containing a Sensitive Facial Cleanser, Sensitive Eye Cream, Sensitive Daily Moisturizing Cream and Sensitive Night Cream.

I used the products for a week and found that the more I used it the more my face seemed to react positively. All the products only required a small amount to work. The facial cleanser did not irritate or make my skin feel dry and the creams absorbed into my skin after a quick massage.  I added the Natural Acne Solutions Targeted Spot Treatment to my regimen because of a stress breakout I was experiencing and noticed a change within 24 hours.

My pimples started disappearing so quickly which really impressed me. I was a little worried about combining the acne solution to the sensitive skin regimen but luckily I did not experience any negative reactions. There was a little tingling when I applied the solution but it lasted momentarily. The Burt’s Bees Sensitive Skin line is a welcomed relief for me than other harsh facial products.

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