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Hair-Free, Pain-Free | Yes! by Finishing Touch

There’s a great feeling when you find a product that not only does exactly what it says but exceeds your expectations. I admit I completely underestimated the Yes! by Finishing Touch Hair removal device and I’m so happy to say this product has changed my life. You see I’ve always had hairy arms, and have hated them for most of my life. I’ve tried several methods, some very painful, but the hair always grew back quickly and thicker than before. I got to the point where I just accepted that there’s nothing I could do about it and I’ll be stuck with hairy arms all my life…..until I was introduced to the Yes! by Finishing Touch.

Based on a new and patented Sensa-Light Technology™ by Finishing Touch™, the Yes! Hair removal device is safe and gentle, and can be used on all skin types and colors without altering skin pigmentation, and can be used on the most sensitive skin. You can use this Dermatologist recommended device anywhere you have unwanted hair (that’s right, all over your entire body), for a pain-free hair removal experience. Yes! should not be used in the shower, only on dry skin, the result is skin free of not only hair, but nicks, cuts, bumps and burns thanks to its Sensa-Light technology. The Sensa-Light heads lasts up to one year, depending on how much you use it.

I’ve heard good things about the product but nothing beats trying it out for yourself, so that’s exactly what I did. For this test, I decided to use the Yes! by Finishing Touch on one arm and see what my results will be like one week later (with other methods, my arm hair grows back in full force after this duration). I was pleasantly surprised first by how incredibly smooth my arm looked, and how soft it felt. Check out the before (right arm) and after (left arm) and a closer look in the photos below

A week later, my arm still looked just as you see above, so I decided to extend it another week, two weeks later, it still looked the same, so I extended it again, this time to one month. One month later, my arm looks like what you see below (I must add that this is what my arm hair usually looked like a week after regular shaving). As you can clearly see, my arm is no where near what it was earlier. I’m so incredibly happy with the results and also happy to finally shave my other arm.

What do you think of my experience? Have you tried Yes! by Finishing Touch? Share your thoughts.

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