My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Godiva Presents Katie Lee Joel’s The Comfort Table

Weather-wise, this was a horrid day. It was freezing; raining and snowing at the same time. The Godiva event, which was Godiva’s HOliday event hosted by Billy Joel’s wife, Katie Lee Joel who was promoting her new book, The Comfort Table was being held at Underbar at the W Hotel in Union Square, it was a small venue and there was a long line and a very slow check in list. The Comfort Table is a receipe book which has such delicious recipies such as the Chocolate Covered Banana Cocktail made with Godiva. I took a photo of the crowd before and after me (check out the inviting weather)

Anyway, even though both Kim and I rsvp’d, we were not on the list but we were let in anyway. As soon as we walked in, we saw this display (which didn’t last very long in that corner)

and a packed crowd, I mean shoulder to shoulder

I don’t know how we did it but Kim and I managed to get a seat WITH a table. So we dumped our stuff and contemplated how to manuever our way to the bar. With a little (ok, A LOT) of dodging and swerving I managed to get front and center at the bar

and walked away with some delicioso Godiva cocktails for Kim and I

there were hors d’oeuvres but the velosciraptors were in full effect, they were a mob around each server. I managed to take this photo only when the majority of the crowd had gone

Anyway, at the event was a Godiva giveaway, a disgustingly enormous box filled with a variety of chocolates from Godiva. I never got a photo because it was so crowded and by the time it was emptying out, it was already moved. Remember the first photo posted of the display/ That sucker was gone!! People were pilfering stuff left, right and center from all the display – boxes of chocolate, mini bottles of Godiva liqueur, etc. Kim and I never got a chance to grab anything, mostly because we have more class than that but also we were too busy minding our own business and trying not to get run over by the velosciraptor mob.

Anyway, while all this was going on, Zia* and Angelique* were online even with all the madness I did get a photo of Katie Lee Joel courtesy of Kim whose small stature came in really handy this time (thanks girl)

*Some names have been changed to protect the permanently shy and those possibly under witness protection

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