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How Plotagraphs Are Changing the Face of Instagram

How Plotagraphs Are Changing the Face of Instagram

Instagram influencers have been a widely discussed topic of conversation in recent years, for better or for worse. On average a wedding photographer will deliver 300-400 photographs. On Instagram, it’s not uncommon to see an account, and even stories, with hundreds to thousands of pictures.

Now, there are ways to make your pictures even more interactive. Unlike traditional moving photos (AKA cinemagraphs), which rely on a series of burst shots or videos to make the image move, the Plotaverse app starts with an image and uses patterns within the picture to encourage movement. The result is a gif-like image that you can share on social media for the whole world to enjoy, AKA Plotagraphs.

How Plotagraphs Are Changing the Face of Instagram

These photos could, potentially, be the new wave of photos on Instagram. Just take a page out of Patricia Manterola’s profile and see how she’s been using Plotagraphs to gain more than 100,000 Instagram followers. That is a lot of followers! When it comes to social media, the content that people post plays a part in attracting new followers. No one wants to follow an account with low-quality content or where the user is not consistent. Understandably, some people may decide to buy followers through a site like if boosting their follow count becomes a struggle. But just like Patricia is doing, creating unique content may be the answer to gaining a larger following. It takes people about 10 seconds to form an impression of your brand, so let’s see how Patricia Manterola has been using Plotaverse to grab peoples’ attention.

How Manterola’s Instagram following boomed thanks to Plotagraphs

Patricia Manterola gained worldwide recognition through her Mexican music group Garibaldi and her Instagram was a reflection of her fame. With more than 600,000 followers, the Latina superstar is no slouch when it comes to entertaining her fans, both on and off social media.

In honor of her new song, Manterola posted a series of sultry plotagraphs on her Instagram account. Mesmerizing more than 44,000 viewers, these looping images showcased gorgeous moving waves around a fashionably dressed Manterola. In the span of a single day, Manterola watched her followers surge from 600k to over 700,000.

“I love when success stories like this happen,” notes CEO and Plotaverse owner Sascha Scheider. “Content Marketing has grown into a $326 billion dollar industry. Imagine trying to stand out and grab attention when […] billions of individuals are posting videos every day. It is our mission to stay ahead of the curve in market and tech trends. We can all already see that instagram influencer marketing is currently booming and we want to ride that wave.”

Other celebs can’t resist plotagraph

But it isn’t just Manterola who has been bolstering high follower numbers on her Instagram. Since socialite Paris Hilton started posting Plotagraphs almost every day, her numbers have skyrocketed from 80,000 to 11 million. The star has continued this trend with her new fragrance release “Electrify.” After all, up to 90% of customers that are engaged with a brand will buy more frequently than customers who aren’t engaged. It just goes to show that a little sparkle can go a long way. Who knew that something as simple as uploading a photograph, or plotagraph would have so many benefits to a person’s Instagram account? If anything, this should inspire new or existing brands to use this platform to market their own business in the hopes of receiving more Instagram followers, as these celebrities are bound to have seen an increase in their numbers. The more you interact with your followers, the more likely you are to receive new ones as a result. It could help to bring you the success that you deserve, just like these celebrities have.

How Plotagraphs Are Changing the Face of Instagram

Ariana Grande also hypnotized fans while promoting her recent interview with Elle Magazine. The starlet tossed her hair in the cover and used the Plotaverse app to give her hair a surreal spin on her Instagram page. While the original photo by Alexi Lubomirski was absolutely beautiful, the plotagraph was the perfect touch to whoo millions of fans online.

How Plotagraphs Are Changing the Face of Instagram

Even surrealist makeup artist Mimi Choi got a shout-out on the Joe Rogan podcast for her creative use of the Plotaverse app. Her Halloween-inspired makeup tripped out thousands of fans on her Instagram page. She was able to achieve such a successful plotagraph thanks to her patterned design. This is because plotographs work best when they have a recurring image or pattern to mimic. The end result is a perfectly repeated loop sure to confuse and entertain any follower you have.

How Plotagraphs Are Changing the Face of Instagramplotaverse overlay

Is the plotagraph the next “it” thing? Such cool innovations have sparked interest for celebrities but there are several industries that can benefit from such moving images. It’s estimated that up to 50% of homes don’t sell the first time they are listed. Could plotagraph be used for more than just celebrity Instagrams? You’ll have to download it yourself to find out.

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