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How the Latest Recruitment Tech Trends Improve Hiring

How the Latest Recruitment Tech Trends Improve Hiring

We are living in an age of constantly evolving technology. There are apps for almost anything, and what there isn’t an app for yet, there very well may be one coming soon. With so much technological advancement, it can be hard to keep up. Conveniently, the growth of technology can improve the hiring process, as well as helping different headhunting Montreal firms to find the perfect business professionals for your company’s needs. Therefore, it has never been easier to conduct recruitment. Without further ado, here is some insight into how the latest tech trends can help you improve the hiring process for your business.

How the Latest Recruitment Tech Trends Improve Hiring
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Online job boards and social networks

There are more and more online job board websites popping up with more specific interests in mind. This allows us to narrow our search and find the perfect candidate to join your team and represent your company.

Don’t overlook social media as an outlet for job listings. There are plenty of Facebook groups geared towards various types of employment, such as remote, freelance, or odd jobs.

Video or phone interviews

In-person interviews require a lot of additional scheduling and preparation for both parties. By utilizing video chatting services for the first round of interviews, you can save time and money because they provide flexibility. With the forced shift into remote work, many companies have begun to implement these remote practices into their hiring processes. Platforms like Zoom or Skype provide a way to host first-round interviews. Keep in mind that you’ll still need to dress the part for your interview, even if it isn’t in person.

Remote work

Over the last year, there has been an increase in technologies and tools designed to help manage remote work, like VoIP systems from places like T2k for business phone communication. The fact that workers have NEEDED to work from home due to the pandemic meant that businesses have been required to adapt quickly to this change. Managers needed to look into how to improve team alignment, find ways to improve their meetings, and keep motivation high. With the introduction of virtual offices and work environments, these advancements in technology have allowed many companies to make the shift into being primarily remote-work-based companies. As we enter a post-pandemic life, this shift into remote work can help us travel while working remotely.

Company branding

With the transition into online job searching, creating a brand to represent your culture has become more and more important. Using technology and web services to create a strong online image can have a substantial impact on those considering applying to your company. By including testimonials or experiences from current employees, you can demonstrate the work culture through their eyes. Creating a robust website helps allow on-lookers to understand your company’s mission and values.

Online background checks

Online background checks are quick, easy, and provide instantaneous results. They allow you to look at a potential candidate’s employment history verification, credit report, and identity report. This helps to ensure that your candidate’s past references and employment match the goals and culture of your company. Expert background check services could help make safe hiring decisions with the help of technology and data. The pre employment checks help to provide confidence in the team that you are building. Hiring professional background and identity check services such as Sterling and others, who operate in your area, could be a good option for the companies to explore while conducting background checks on potential employees.

AI-based HR

It feels like a bit of an oxymoron to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) for your Human Resources (HR). However, there are many AI-based technologies out there that have proven to increase productivity with companies. Many of these programs can help to streamline the recruitment and hiring process to eliminate the juggling of scheduling conflicts and endless paperwork that can fill those early hiring days.

Eliminating bias

One of the biggest problems when in the hiring process is the unavoidable bias that accompanies it. As bias is a natural tendency among humans, we have to use AI to remove that bias from the candidate selection process. By introducing these AI-based technologies into our recruitment process, we can minimize this bias.

How the Latest Recruitment Tech Trends Improve Hiring

If you can improve an everyday process, why wouldn’t you? On an individual level, whether it be blue-light glasses or a new pair of headphones, the simplest advancements in technology can make our workdays better. On a company level, when it comes to making the hiring process simpler through technology, our recruitment process can be made even easier.

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