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What Sweet Treats are you Snacking on this Christmas Day?

There’s always tons of celebrating, entertaining and eating being done before Christmas Day, but on that wonderful day, it’s all about spending time with your loved ones. Whether you’re enjoying opening presents together or curling up on the couch to enjoy some holiday movies on Christmas Day, one thing is for sure – there should be some delicious sweet treats and snacks to enjoy.


 ciao bella duo

Don’t let the cold weather outside keep you from enjoying some delicious frozen treats. Ciao Bella offers delicious Sorbetto and Gelato, in fruity flavors like Blood Orange and sweet treats like Dulce De Leche. Create a gelato bar for your family with some delicious and healthy toppings and your favorite Ciao Bella flavors to wow your guests with something more than cookies and pie.



Don’t fall into the trap of greasy snacks like potato chips and enjoy some delicious and healthy Popcorn, Indiana instead. Popcorn, Indiana’s FIT has 40 calories or less for you to munch while enjoying your favorite movie, guilt-free. If you’re feeling extra festive, go for Popcorn, Indiana’s Drizzlecorn, a decadent treat just right for your sweet and salty cravings. Dark Fudge Peppermint starts with an all-natural, fresh, and crunchy Kettlecorn drizzled with rich, dark, chocolaty fudge that’s been sprinkled with the perfect amount of natural, cool, refreshing, peppermint.



Happy Family offers great shelf-stable, healthy snacks for every member of the family. These pouches are a perfect treat to enjoy just about any time. Try Happy Baby Greek Yogurt, Happy Tot Greek Yogurt and Happy Squeeze Greek Yogurt to offer a sweet and healthy treat to snack on while opening gifts, watching TV or just enjoying each other’s company.

What snacks are you planning on enjoying on Christmas Day?

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