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Valentine’s Day Gift Guide: Teleflora’s Valentine’s Day Flowers & Ultimate Man Cave Sweepstakes

Gentlemen, this Valentine’s Day Flowers highlight is a must-read for you, not because you’ll need to get your sweetheart flowers for February 14th, but because getting her flowers from Teleflora can help you win the ultimate man cave. Imagine having your own Monster Home Theater, Sports Fan Lounge or Ultimate Home Gym just because you sent your sweetie a bouquet of stunning flowers. Have we got your attention? That’s right guys, Teleflora wants to reward you for being so romantic this Valentine’s Day with their “Get A Room” Sweepstakes.

While Valentine’s Day is seen as always about women (okay, it really is all about us), this Valentine’s Day, Teleflora is rewarding thoughtful men with the chance to win the Ultimate Man Cave! From now until February 14, anyone who purchases one of four featured Valentine’s Day bouquets (get more information on the gorgeous arrangements below) is automatically entered into Teleflora’s “Get a Room” Sweepstakes, where you’ll have the chance to win $25,000 toward the Man Cave of your dreams.

Teleflora’s Sweet Embrace Bouquet (starting at $69.95)


Score big with this 3-in-1 gift of lush, classic red roses with pink and white blooms, a striking, hand-blown glass vase and a sparkling, adjustable heart bracelet (shown around the neck of the vase). This stunning bouquet may be the key to romance……. and perhaps your new Man Cave, too.

Teleflora’s Swirls of Love Bouquet (starting at $99.95)


She’s sure to be impressed with this spectacular and romantic mix of red roses, pink spray roses, and hot pink carnations, hand-delivered in an exclusive, custom-made, swirl glass vase she’ll adore for years to come – a loving reminder of the man who’s been in his Man Cave for hours with the guys.

Teleflora’s Hearts of Gold Bouquet (starting at $54.95)


Fill her heart with love (and your Man Cave with flat screens) with this romantic gift of ravishing red spray roses and miniature red carnations, hand-delivered in a shimmering, satin-finish red glass vase with golden hearts. Show her you’re really do have a heart of gold even when you’re in your Man Cave for hours.

Send a Hug® I Ruff You by Teleflora (starting at $49.95)


A doggone adorable way to say Happy Valentine’s Day to anyone in your life. This precious plush pup is perfect for cuddling and the cheerful combination of red roses and white daisies are as perfect a pair as you and your new remote control. Viva la Man Cave!

To place an order for a beautifully-arrangement of Valentine’s Day Flowers, hand-crafted and delivered by a local florist anywhere in the country, and for your chance to win your ultimate Man Cave, visit

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