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January is Hot Tea Month: Raise a Mug to Hot Toddy Day

If you’ve read our blog, our Twitter or Instagram descriptions, then you know we have a great love of tea, which is no surprise because we grew up having tea with your grandfather, a man who greatly influenced us. In case you didn’t know, the month of January is all about celebrating tea. This month marks, not only Hot Tea Month, January 11th also honors Hot Toddy Day. There is nothing more soothing and delicious than a mug full of hot tea “spiked” with the perfect spirit, and we have three delicious Hot Toddy recipes for you to enjoy this month from The Owl’s Brew, and Zacapa Rum, that are sure to warm you up while the temperature drops outside.


Chase the cold away with the robust smokiness of Owl’s Brew Smoky Earl Tea for the Famous Grouse or the refreshing and tingly Owl’s Brew Famous Mint Tea for The Famous Grouse Scotch Whiskey, and stay warm and toasty with a tranquilizing mulled wine made with the perfectly aged Zacapa Rum.

Northern Star

Northern Star_3
Created by Marco Zappia, Eat Street Social and Scena Tavern, Minneapolis
1.5 oz The Famous Grouse
.5 oz Ginger Syrup
.25 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
5 oz The Owl’s Brew Famous Mint Tea
2 Dashes Bittercube Jamaican #1 Bitters
Garnish: Mint Leaf, Star Anise, and Lemon Peel
Boil water and bring to a simmer. Place The Famous Grouse, Ginger Syrup, Fresh Lemon Juice and Bitters in a large tin, add simmering water to a smaller tin, placing the larger tin on top of the smaller tin- creating a poor man’s “bain marie.” Add remaining simmering water to mug to preheat glass. Heat The Owl’s Brew Famous Mint Tea on the stove and bring to 180 degrees, then add to rest of cocktail “bain marie” and stir together. Remove water from the mug, pour contents from “bain marie” into a mug, garnish with Mint Leaf, Star Anise, and Lemon Peel and serve.

High Tea Toddy

High Tea Toddy_4
Created by Marco Zappia, Eat Street Social and Scena Tavern, Minneapolis
1.5 oz The Black Grouse
5 oz The Owl’s Brew Smoky Earl Tea
.5 oz Rosemary Honey Syrup
.25 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
2 Dashes Bittercube Orange Bitters
Garnish: Baby’s Breath, Rosemary, Orange Peel
Boil water and bring to a simmer. Place The Famous Grouse, Rosemary Honey Syrup, Fresh Lemon Juice and Bitters in a large tin, in a large tin, add simmering water to a smaller tin, placing the larger tin on top of the smaller tin- creating a poor man’s “bain marie.” Add remaining simmering water to mug to preheat glass. Heat The Owl’s Brew Smoky EarlTea on the stove and bring to 180 degrees, then add to rest of cocktail “bain marie” and stir together. Remove water from the mug, pour contents from “bain marie” into a mug, garnish with Baby’s Breath, Rosemary, Orange Peel and serve.

Noble Vine Mulled Wine

Noble Vine Mulled Wine
Created by Mixologist Lynnette Marrero

1/2 cup Zacapa Rum 23
1 750 ml bottle Dry Red Wine (Cabernet, Pinot Noir or Merlot)
3/4 cup Water
2 Medium Lemons, Sliced into Lemon Wheels
2 Medium Oranges, Sliced into Orange Wheels
1 Vanilla Bean, Halved Lengthways
10 Whole Cloves
5 Cardamom Pods
3/4 cup Sugar in the Raw
2 Cinnamon Sticks
1/8 cup Sliced Almonds
1 tbsp Grated Nutmeg
Butcher’s Twine
Cinnamon Stick and Sliced Fresh Lemon for Garnish
Combine whole cloves, cardamom pods and split vanilla bean in the cheesecloth and tie with twine. Place in pot on the stove. Add remaining spices into the pot with the rest of the ingredients. Bring mixture to a simmer and stir to dissolve sugar. Once dissolved, keep the stove on low to keep warm. Pour into punch glasses. Garnish with Cinnamon Stick and Sliced Fresh Lemon. Serve in a Punch glass.

We’re currently celebrating Hot Tea Month by indulging in an Owl’s Brew High Tea Toddy as we’re writing this (don’t worry it’s after 5pm), and we know we’re be enjoying a chai when we’re editing. We’re enjoy having a tea for day and night. What about you our dear readers, are you a tea lover? Will you be celebrating hot tea month and National Hot Toddy Day? Let us know in the comment section.

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