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Join Macy’s for the Debut of MADE Fashion Week for Impulse Collection

Get ready for some cutting-edge fashion and talent with the premier of the new showcase for MADE Fashion Week as it introduces a series of exciting new collections. To celebrate the debut of MADE Fashion Week for Impulse Collection, Macy’s Herald Square is hosting a launch party complete with informal modeling, delicious drinks, treats and a special performance from the dynamic DJ duo, The Knocks. Check out all the available details below:

impulse macys

The MADE Fashion Week initiative will feature up to 30 pieces, ranging from $39.00-$139.00 and will be available at 150 Macy’s stores and on  To attend, head over to Macy’s Herald Square’s Impulse on 3rd FL tomorrow, March 12 at 6pm. Will you be checking out the latest fashion offerings from Macy’s and MADE Fashion Week?

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