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The Tinder of Coffee, Trade Coffee, Welcomes Cold Brew Bags

Trade Coffee Welcomes Cold Brew Bags

No two coffee drinkers are alive. We mean more than just liking your coffee light or dark; many people prefer beans from a certain region, different level of boldness, flavors, and roasting times. . While some will settle for the simple cup of coffee, more and more people are opting for coffee that’s customized to their tastes. For example, some may get 2 in one with cbd coffee wholesale, and combine their caffeine hit with a whole load of relaxation and calm (where it’s legal to, of course). Additionally, more and more people are upgrading their caffeine fix with more complex equipment that is commonly used in coffee shops, to ensure they really get a professional and high-quality coffee at all times from home. As we revolutionize the way we drink coffee with guides and reviews on equipment online (go to, more of us are becoming very specific with the way we like our cup of espressos, americanos or lattes. In comes Trade Coffee, which helps coffee lovers find their perfect coffee. By taking Trade Coffee’s matchmaking quiz, you will be matched to your personalized coffee recommendation that’s shipped straight to your door, thanks to their algorithm. It really is the Tinder for coffee. Although we’re more tea drinkers, we were more than happy to join Trade Coffee and Erika Vonie, NYC’s Coffee Masters Champion and Head of Coffee at Trade to welcome the NEW Trade Coffee Cold Brew Bags.

Trade Coffee Welcomes Cold Brew Bags Trade Coffee Welcomes Cold Brew Bags

What is cold brew coffee? Cold Brew is chilled coffee made from grounds that have been steeped in room-temperature (or cold) water for 12-24 hours (depending on how strong you like it). The eco-friendly Trade Coffee Cold Brew Bags are the key to incredible cold brew. With your favorite coffee grounds, a mason jar, the cold brew bags, and a few hours, you can enjoy a batch of delicious iced cold brew, all summer long. Want to enjoy an even more of a personalized flavor, just add in things like cinnamon, orange peels, etc in the bag. With these wonderful bags, there are no equipment or trips to the coffee shop required, and our favorite part – NO MESS!!

Trade Coffee Welcomes Cold Brew Bags

The cold brew bags are an incredibly easy and affordable at-home solution for cold brew coffee lovers. The easy-to-use cold brew bags made of compostable corn-based fibers and offer a cafe-quality beverage at home. Each cold brew bag (full of 3oz of coffee) makes 28oz of ready-to-drink cold brew coffee (or tea – it’s great for loose leaf teas), depending on how strong you like it. That’s about four, 8oz cups (adding 4oz of ice to chill it down) at regular strength. If you choose to dilute the coffee down with filtered water, you’ll, of course, enjoy more cups.

Trade Coffee Cold Brew Bags

To brew, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Fill bag to top
Step 2: Put the sealed bag in your container and fill it with room temperature or cold filtered water.
Step 3: Let it sit and brew
Step 4: Drink to taste

Trade Coffee Quiz

To get your personalized coffee recommendations (Trade has made over 2 million ethically-sourced coffee matches), head over to to take the 2-3 minute quiz. For those that are new to specialty coffee, you’ll be matched to more price conscious Classics blends. For those who are more of a pro at those specialty beans, The Hookup allows you to discover a larger variety of coffees.

The Classics start with a 12oz trial bag for $12.50, and the next order with be two 12 oz bags for $25. The Hookup promises 12oz bags that start at $15.00 and only one bag arrive at a time. All first-order subscriptions receive 30% off + free shipping. How’s that for a coffee lovers dream? Are you ready for your personalized cold brew coffee?

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