My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Category : Beauty


UBU’S Brand Ambassasdor Harley Viera Newton Presents the #AllGirlsonDeck Campaign

Glasgow Skinner
Happy Friday beauty lovers, hope you’re off to some great weekend activities. You may remember we highlighted UBU (Urban Beauty United) Beauty Tools a few...

FREE EVENT NYC: You’re Invited to Celebrate the Grand Opening of #KiehlsNolita Store

Glasgow Skinner
Hello NOLITA!!! Great news for all the beauty and Kiehl’s Since 1851 fans out there. The skincare brand, a favorite for many, opens a new...

HAYARI Paris Launches Only For Him & Le Paradis de l’Homme Men’s Fragrances

Glasgow Skinner
Nabil Hayari and Hugues Alard of HAYARI Paris, along with Crafting Beauty invited media to the World Bar at the Trump World Tower to celebrate...