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Tag : Sweet Tooth

Drinks and BeveragesFoodLifestyleRestaurant Reviews

Popbar Welcomes the WafflePop, A NEW Winter Snack

Glasgow Skinner
We’re taking a short break from NYFW to celebrate another of our loves – delicious snacks. We were recently introduced to the Popbar, a delightful...

Chocolate Indulgence: Treat Yourself to Sheila G’s Decadent Holiday Snacks

Glasgow Skinner
Do you know what Thanksgiving week means? It means the holiday season has officially begun and it’s time for all thing merry. So we’re beginning...

Bubbies Hawaii Mochi Ice Cream: No Bowls or Spoons Needed

Glasgow Skinner
On a hot and humid day like today, nothing beats snacking on some delicious cold ice cream. The problem is, hot days means ice cream...

The Best Things in Life are Sweet: Dana’s Bakery for Valentine’s Day

Glasgow Skinner
It is the week of Valentine’s Day, so if you haven’t already picked up a sweet treat for the love of your life or your...
FoodLifestyleProduct ReviewsSnacks

Brownie Brittle Releases Decadent Holiday Snacks

Glasgow Skinner
It wouldn’t be the holiday season without taking the time to snack on some holiday treats, and Brownie Brittle has the perfect holiday snacks that...
FoodNutritionRestaurant ReviewsSnacks

IHOP Premieres French Toasted Donuts for a Limited Time

Glasgow Skinner
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. At IHOP, it can also be the most delicious. IHOP continues to break the rules of breakfast...
FoodProduct ReviewsSnacks

Beat the Heat with San Bernardo Italian Escapes Ice Cream

Glasgow Skinner
As the saying goes, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream”, and we’ve been screaming for the decadent San Bernardo Italian Escapes Ice...