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Tag : Health and Beauty

BeautyHealth and WellnessLifestyleSkincare

Celebrate National CBD Day with Sales on CBD Tinctures, Cremes & More

Glasgow Skinner
August 8th is National CBD Day, and we're here to get you prepped with CBD tinctures, cremes, and more to help you honor the day....
BeautyHealth and WellnessLifestyleSkincare

7 Ways to Reduce Your Wrinkles Without Surgery

Contributing Writer
No matter how much we try, we can't escape the fact that time continues to tick on. And as the years go by, our bodies...
BeautyFrontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyleSkincare

Health & Wellness: Seasonal Tips for Promoting Your Own Wellbeing

Contributing Writer
Despite how trivial it may seem to care for your health, the fact of the matter is that it's incredibly important. Caring for yourself is...
Drinks and BeveragesFrontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyle

H2rOse Rose Water Beverages: Stay Hydrated! Be Beautiful

Glasgow Skinner
We can personally attest to an increase in wine intake during this pandemic. Not surprising since we're all stressed out and bored with this change...
BeautyGiveawaysHealth and WellnessLifestyleSkincare

Benefit Cosmetics’ Pick-Me-Up Post Delivers 3,000 Self-Care Packages

Glasgow Skinner
Let's face it, we all need a pick-me-up and during this time of fear, worry, and stress, it's absolutely needed. Of course, no one needs...
BeautyHealth and WellnessLifestyle

Looking Back at Cosmetic Procedure Trends from 2019

Contributing Writer
The popularity of cosmetic surgery is soaring. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), U.S. men and women underwent nearly 250,000 more cosmetic...
BeautyLifestyleProduct ReviewsSkincare

Cold Natured: OZNaturals Cold Processed Skincare

Glasgow Skinner
During the winter season, we usually try to protect our skin from the cold; but this time around, we are fully embracing the cold……cold processing to...
BeautyHaircareHealth and WellnessProduct ReviewsSkincare

P&G Embraces EWG VERIFIED Label For Personal Care Products

Contributing Writer
Change Is Brewing: The EWG VERIFIED Label marks a huge leap forward in chemical ingredient disclosure. Now, industry giant Procter & Gamble is embracing the...