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Tag : Health and Wellness

Frontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyle

Better Teeth, Better Health: Why Millennials Should Go To The Dentist Too

Contributing Writer
Maintaining a healthy smile and mouth that is free of disease and other issues requires diligent and proper oral hygiene. It is not just kids...
Drinks and BeveragesFrontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyleNutrition

Drink to Your Health: JAF TEA Artisanal Handpicked Teas

Glasgow Skinner
Basically, tea is what we should be drinking as we all deal with the Coronavirus. For the past couple of weeks, we've been staying healthy...
Drinks and BeveragesEventsHealth and WellnessLifestyle

How To Celebrate National CBD Month This January

Contributing Writer
CBD is taking off in the U.S. with the market expected to triple in size and reach $1.3 billion by 2022. People all across the...
BeautyDrinks and BeveragesFrontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyleSkincare

Alkaline Water Company Dives Into The World Of CBD

Contributing Writer
It's natural to see trends come and go as time marches on, but what's more interesting to note is how businesses in a wide range...
BeautyHealth and WellnessLifestyle

Looking Back at Cosmetic Procedure Trends from 2019

Contributing Writer
The popularity of cosmetic surgery is soaring. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), U.S. men and women underwent nearly 250,000 more cosmetic...
Drinks and BeveragesHealth and WellnessLifestyleNutrition

#NowPouring, A Traveling Tea Experience with Good Company Tea

Glasgow Skinner
When the temperature gets really low, or it's a day ending in Y, there's nothing more we love than a good cuppa. For non-tea drinkers,...
Health and WellnessLifestyleSkincare

Personal Care: Goodbye Hot Girl Summer, Hello Fall Freshness

Glasgow Skinner
Hot Girl Summer may be coming to an end but the high humidity can still make things uncomfortable. We'll soon be enjoying the cooler days...
Health and WellnessLifestyleProduct Reviews

Aculief Wearable Acupressure: All-Natural Headache and Tension Relief

Glasgow Skinner
A quick question to our fellow migraine sufferers? What do you use for relief? Do you rely on medication, Botox, Acupuncture, Acupressure, or some other...