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AlcoholDrinks and BeveragesFrontpage ArticleLifestyleTravel

How Can South Africa’s Wine Industry Recover from COVID-19?

Contributing Writer
In the famous South African wine country, those in the industry have been struggling even more acutely with a total ban on the sale of...
FashionFrontpage ArticleLifestyleShopping

Pandemic Panache: How COVID-19 is Changing the Fashion Industry

Contributing Writer
Although that might have been a phrase uttered in ironic social media posts, the reality is that the fashion industry has experienced major disruptions as...

The Must-Have Accessory: Fashion Brands Start Selling COVID-19 Face Masks

Contributing Writer
That's where fashion brands are stepping in. As the demand for face masks skyrockets, brands have started designing their own versions of the COVID-19 face...
FoodLifestyleRestaurant Reviews Support Local Restaurants With Gift Card Giveaways

Glasgow Skinner
We always champion supporting small businesses (Small Business Saturday is a favorite of ours), but during this uncertain time, supporting them is needed more than...
BeautyGiveawaysHealth and WellnessLifestyleSkincare

Benefit Cosmetics’ Pick-Me-Up Post Delivers 3,000 Self-Care Packages

Glasgow Skinner
Let's face it, we all need a pick-me-up and during this time of fear, worry, and stress, it's absolutely needed. Of course, no one needs...
BeautyLifestyleProduct ReviewsSkincare

Stressed Skin? Calm it Down with These Skincare Products

Glasgow Skinner
The stress of being fearful of catching Covid-19, hearing about the deaths of friends and family, the inability to find the groceries you need, unemployment,...
Health and WellnessLifestyle

To Your Health: 3 Products to Boost Your Immune System

Contributing Writer
Your immune system is your body's first line of defense against invading pathogens. When you have a healthy immune system, you are better positioned to...

Jardin by Macris: Look Good While You’re Working From Home

Glasgow Skinner
Admit it, for the past few weeks, your work attire has been 90% pajamas and sweats. Ours has certainly been that. But as we see...