My Life on (and off) the Guest List

Tag : Food

Drinks and BeveragesFoodLifestyleRestaurant Reviews

Holiday Sneak Preview: The 2018 Holiday Menu at Rosa Mexicano

Saucy Wallflower
Rosa Mexicano knows how to create a perfect celebration menu for each and every event in your life. Which is GREAT – because every month...
AlcoholCocktail RecipesDrinks and BeveragesEventsLifestyle

Fernet-Branca X Eataly’s The Great Bitter Bar Returns to NYC

Glasgow Skinner
As the saying goes, “everything old is new again”, and this perfectly describes Fernet-Branca X Eataly’s The Great Bitter Bar, a celebration of the 20s-inspired cocktail bar. We had...

Bokksu Tasting: An Evening with the Ambassador of Japanese Snacks

Glasgow Skinner
During the summer we introduced you to Bokksu, the ultimate foodie’s guide to Japanese snacks and a great gift idea for snack food lovers. Well,...
Drinks and BeveragesEventsFoodLifestyleRestaurant Reviews

Rosa Mexicano Celebrates Day of the Dead with a Special Menu

Glasgow Skinner
Tomorrow is more than just Halloween; it is the beginning of the Day of the Dead, also known as Día de Los Muertos. In honor of Mexico’s holiday remembering...
AlcoholDrinks and BeveragesEventsFoodLifestyleRestaurant Reviews

CMX CinéBistro New York Elevates the Dinner & A Movie Experience

Glasgow Skinner
The term dinner and a movie have long been stated, but CMX Cinemas has elevated the traditional date night experience to new delicious heights with...
EventsFoodLifestyleRestaurant Reviews

Celebrating the Olio e Piú Benvenuti a Casa Book Launch

Glasgow Skinner
There's nothing like the remarkable taste of amazing food that is undeniably exquisite, yet makes you feel at home. That was our experience when we...
Drinks and BeveragesFoodLifestyleRestaurant Reviews

RESTAURANT REVIEW: La Pulperia Upper East Side Rustic Latin Cuisine

Glasgow Skinner
Three years ago, blogger buddy, Christine Ongsueng, an I had the pleasure of reviewing La Pulperia Hell’s Kitchen. It’s only fitting that we return to experience...

New York Welcomes the 1st EVER Jarlsberg Pop-Up at Sockerbit

Glasgow Skinner
Jarlsberg Cheese, the nationally recognized brand of cheese with a mild, mellow and nutty taste is celebrating over 60 years of its Norwegian heritage. New...