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Category : Frontpage Article

Drinks and BeveragesFrontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyle

H2rOse Rose Water Beverages: Stay Hydrated! Be Beautiful

Glasgow Skinner
We can personally attest to an increase in wine intake during this pandemic. Not surprising since we're all stressed out and bored with this change...
Frontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyle

5 Companies That Have Raised Money for COVID-19 Relief Efforts

Contributing Writer
To help healthcare workers, essential staff, and everyday citizens affected by the virus, companies of all shapes and sizes have been raising money for COVID-19...
FashionFrontpage ArticleLifestyleShopping

Effleure Launches First-Ever Luxury Scented Lingerie Collection

Glasgow Skinner
So that had us wondering, how are you keeping your love lives exciting? We know that boredom can lead to many things; with a reduction...
AlcoholFashionFrontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyle

Fashion and Alcohol Companies Step Up To Meet Coronavirus Needs

Contributing Writer
Fashion and textile companies across the country are focusing their efforts on making face masks and hospital gowns while distilleries are adjusting operations so that...
AlcoholFrontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyle

NY Distilleries Get Green Light to Produce Hand Sanitizer

Glasgow Skinner
As the state of New York is seeing massive increases in positive cases, and a shortage in supplies, two NY Distilleries are working on producing...
Frontpage ArticleLifestyleTechnology

New App Watchworthy is Being Dubbed the Tinder of Television

Contributing Writer
Watchworthy is a new app designed to help the average viewer organize all of these options. Ranker is the top digital media company for opinion-based,...
Frontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyle

Better Teeth, Better Health: Why Millennials Should Go To The Dentist Too

Contributing Writer
Maintaining a healthy smile and mouth that is free of disease and other issues requires diligent and proper oral hygiene. It is not just kids...
Drinks and BeveragesFrontpage ArticleHealth and WellnessLifestyleNutrition

Drink to Your Health: JAF TEA Artisanal Handpicked Teas

Glasgow Skinner
Basically, tea is what we should be drinking as we all deal with the Coronavirus. For the past couple of weeks, we've been staying healthy...